Everyone knows that smoking is bad. It has carcinogens, it causes yellow teeth, wrinkles, and lung damage. So, we can say with certainty that smoking is without argument one of the most unhealthy (and expensive) addictions to have. With that said, there’s lots we can do to kick smoking to the curb. Regularly doing yoga, in particular, offers addiction recovery in all aspects, namely physical, mental, and emotional. Yoga to quit smoking Doing yoga regularly, opens up the air pathways. This promotes fuller, deeper breaths. Any pose that can expand the chest wall is excellent, like: Cobra Pose Lay flat on the floor with your front to the ground. Now bring your torso up, by straightening your arms. Everything below your waist will keep still and flat on the ground. Doing the cobra pose bends the back while expanding and stimulating the lungs. Cat-Cow Pose Go down on all fours on the ground before slowly arching your spine and bringing air all the way into the abdomen. Now bri...