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Why you Should Quit Drinking with Alcoban Homeopathic Drops

Alcohol is a toxin for the body. Drinking huge amounts of alcohol regularly is no different than drinking poison. It rots your body from the inside. There are no pros to drinking alcohol regularly. It affects your mental, physical, and even spiritual health. It makes you incapable of functioning as a normal human being.

In fact, in India, alcoholism has been often linked with violent tendencies and domestic violence as well. Losing control of their senses and being under the effect of alcohol makes people more prone to commit crimes. A third of the violent crimes committed in India has been under the influence of alcohol. Not to mention, the accidents caused by DUI (Drinking Under Influence). Also, there is an issue of contaminated alcohol as well. In February 2019, nearly 100 people died after drinking contaminated alcohol in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand in India. With all these things that are against alcohol drinking, why do people still continue to drink?

In today’s world, drinking alcohol has become very common for both men and women but the trouble comes when you go from moderate drinking to habitual drinking. Moderate drinking can be controlled, habitual drinking cannot. If you drink alcohol to cope with problems, you’re only hurting yourself by making yourself vulnerable to getting addicted to alcohol.

You become addicted to alcohol when even after understanding the consequences you cannot quit drinking or stop after a few drinks. Alcohol addicts tend to drink on a daily basis and for longer periods because they develop a high tolerance to it. They may also have withdrawal symptoms when they do not drink and keep drinking no matter what the consequences.

Symptoms of  Alcohol Addiction 

      Drinking alone

      Becoming violent when a drink is not available

      Bad diet and eating poorly

      Bad personal hygiene

      Missing work or important events because of drinking

      Inability to stop drinking

      Making excuses and lying to drink more

      Having withdrawal symptoms and getting violent without alcohol

      Regular drinking even when legal, social, or economic problems develop

Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can have very bad effects on your entire physical, emotional, mental, and social health. It not only damages the alcoholic’s family, career and social status, but also causes irreparable damage to critical organs and the body systems. Some organs that can get damaged and lead to death are the liver, heart, intestines, brain, nervous system, and lungs.

Alcoholism is a huge issue that needs medical or holistic care. Common medical problems are:

      High blood pressure,

      Gastrointestinal problems,


      Sexual problem,


      Cirrhosis and Osteoporosis


Alcoban Drops is a homeopathic remedy that facilitates the detoxification process and assists with withdrawal symptoms. It is a medically approved homeopathic formula. With it, you can quit drinking successfully and permanently. It works by detoxifying the body and making it slowly less dependent on alcohol allowing the body to treat itself and be free from addiction.

Alcoban Homeopathic Treatment removes toxins that have been accumulated in the body, especially the liver, as a result of regular drinking. Alcoban lets you resist alcohol cravings. It gets rid of all the negative effects of years of drinking on the body. This homeopathic treatment betters liver functions and prevents harmful toxins.

So what’re you waiting for? Break the chains of addiction with Alcoban now!!!


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