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Resist Tobacco Cravings and Stop Smoking with Alcoban Homeopathic Drops

According to a nationwide government survey, around 5.7 crore people need treatment for tobacco dependence, 72 lakh for using cannabis and nearly 60 lakh for other similar addictive substances. 


The survey was conducted on over 2 lakh households in 186 districts, along with a respondent-driven sampling survey of 70,293 people suffering from various tobacco addictions. 


The survey was published by The Times of India newspaper, where it was mentioned how the high rate of dependency among people on tobacco is a cause for alarm and also observes the growing easy availability of cigarettes and beedis. 


In another multi-city survey, as many as 75 percent of youngsters in India, revealed that they started smoking before turning 21, mostly due to peer pressure.


Tobacco, in the form of cigarettes, attracts a large number of people and its abusers are increasing day-by-day. Cigarette smoking has been associated with mouth cancer, lung cancer, poor quality of health and increased chances of heart conditions.


There are thousands of articles on the internet on why you should quit smoking but not nearly enough on how. But it is not as difficult as it seems. It is entirely possible to quit smoking completely with the right combination of Homeopathic ingredients. Alcoban Drops are the most effective way to resist tobacco cravings. It is a homeopathic anti-addiction treatment, made by a group of acclaimed homeopathic scientists to successfully make people quit drinking/smoking completely without any withdrawal effects.


Homeopathic medicines are made by taking substances – generally from medicinal plants, animal/human materials, minerals, and other chemicals – and diluting them in water or alcohol. The container holding the mixture is then forcefully hit against a hand or a surface in a process called “potentiation” or “dynamization.” 


The ingredients in Alcoban strengthens the addict's complete mindset and constitution. The user becomes not only physically less addicted to tobacco, but they also feel stronger emotionally and socially less obsessed with smoking. Alcoban detoxifies the body and makes it steadily less dependent on tobacco or alcohol allowing the body to heal itself and obtain freedom from substance use.


It aids in ridding the cumulative negative effects of years of smoking. This homeopathic formula improves liver functions. It protects against harmful toxins and helps remove toxins from the liver cells.


The 3 main homeopathic ingredients used in Alcoban are Avena Sativa, Nux Vomica and Sulphuricum Acidum. 


Avena Sativa - a cooling nervine and uterine, Avena sativa is an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, nutritive, and vulnerable herb containing vitamin E, protein, and minerals. When ingested, it feeds and soothes the nervous system, especially in times of stress, nervous exhaustion, and depression. This is used to reduce the withdrawal effects of tobacco, alcohol, or heroin. 


Nux Vomica - used for abdominal symptoms, nausea, and vomiting caused by addiction. Sometimes people have a sour taste and nausea in the morning, often resulting in vomiting when they stop smoking cigarettes. Nux Vomica nullifies these symptoms. It also treats indigestion caused by smoking and alcohol. 


Sulphuricum Acidum - reduces tobacco cravings. Withdrawal symptoms like hot flushes, trembling, and cold sweats are treated using Sulphuricum Acidum. It is also useful for other addiction symptoms like sour vomiting, hiccups, nausea, and shivering.


In conclusion, Alcoban is a Homeopathic Treatment For Addiction (Nasha MuktiDawa) that is also low in price. Alcoban price has been set so that it is accessible to everyone. Every ingredient used in Alcoban, namely Avena sativa, Caladium Seguinum, Nux Vomica, Sulphuricum Acidum, etc. has relevant scientific research behind it. While giving up smoking permanently requires comprehensive counseling, support, and intervention techniques from professionals as well as from friends and family, the medicinal aspect is equally important. Alcoban can help make this stage easier to overcome.


So, what are you waiting for, order Alcoban now and start an addiction-free life!

For further information, please visit


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