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Why is Alcohol Bad for the Liver? | Alcoban Homeopathic Treatment

The health risks associated with chronic alcohol abuse are numerous such as high blood pressure and stroke. But the biggest effect of alcohol in the body is on the liver.

Drinking alcohol regularly leads to an increased vulnerability to jaundice, cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, and many other conditions.

Effect of Alcohol on the Liver

The liver is responsible for breaking down and filtering out the harmful substances in the blood, and manufacturing proteins, enzymes, and hormones which is useful for the body to ward off infections. Its other job is to convert vitamins, nutrients and medicines into substances that can be used by our body. Furthermore, the liver cleans our blood, produces bile for digestion and stores glycogen for energy.

Over 90 percent of consumed alcohol is processed by the liver. The rest is excreted out via urine, sweat and breathing.

The body needs about an hour to process one alcoholic drink. This time frame keeps increasing with each drink. The higher your blood alcohol content is, the longer it will take your body to process alcohol. The liver is only capable of processing a certain amount of alcohol at a time. When too much has been drunk, the unprocessed alcohol circulates through the bloodstream.

This then affects the heart and brain, which leads to people becoming drunk. Chronic alcohol abuse leads to destruction of liver cells, resulting in scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), alcoholic hepatitis and cellular mutation that may cause liver cancer. These conditions usually go from fatty liver to alcoholic hepatitis to cirrhosis, and heavy drinkers can develop alcoholic cirrhosis without the development of hepatitis.

The safe amount of alcohol depends on a person’s body weight, size and gender. Binge drinking is also a big cause of liver damage.

Symptoms of Liver Disease

Alcohol addicts are very vulnerable to developing a range of liver diseases. Around 20 percent of heavy drinkers develop fatty liver disease, although this can be treated by quitting alcohol. Alcoholic hepatitis, on the other hand, can turn fatal. However, this too can be treated when you stop drinking.

People who drink regularly have a higher risk of developing liver disease if they are genetically vulnerable to liver problems.

According to the Addiction Centre official website, the common symptoms of liver disease include:

      Yellowish skin and eyes (jaundice)

      Abdominal pain and swelling

      Swelling in legs and ankles

      Dark urine

      Nausea or vomiting

      Itchy skin

      Discolored stool

      Tendency to bruise easily

      Chronic fatigue




      Loss of appetite

      Pale, bloody, or tar-colored stool

Liver disease caused by alcohol is treatable. All you need to do is quit drinking. You may have to suffer through withdrawal symptoms but you will save your life

Alcoban Drops are an homeopathic remedy that can start the detoxification  process and assist with the upcoming withdrawal symptoms. It is a medically approved homeopathic formula that has been made to quit drinking successfully and permanently. The ingredients in Alcoban detoxify the body and make it slowly less dependent on alcohol. This allows the body to heal itself and obtain freedom from substance use.

Alcoban Homeopathic Treatment detoxifies the blood by removing toxins and makes you able to resist alcohol cravings. It gets rid of the cumulative negative effects of years of drinking. This homeopathic treatment improves liver functions and helps remove accumulated toxins from the liver cells.

Order Alcoban now and break the chains of addiction!!!

For further information, please visit


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