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The Dangers of Smoking: What Smoking Does to You

There is nothing positive about smoking. It damages the airways and small air sacs present in your lungs. This damage begins almost immediately after you start smoking, and if you continue to smoke your lung function will continue to worsen. Still, it will be years before the effects become significant and for you to be diagnosed with lung disease.

The damage that smoke does to the lungs can cause serious long-term lung issues such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoking can also make you more vulnerable to lung infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, and it can worsen some existing lung diseases, like asthma.

Smoking impacts mental health and mood

Smoking makes your mental health worse especially if you have depression, anxiety, panic attacks or schizophrenia. Most people who suffer from mental health issues find that, in the long term, their mental health and/or mood gets better when they quit smoking.

Smoking makes you age

Smoking has a terrible effect on your appearance. Smokers are more vulnerable to show signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. According to a recent study, smokers are nearly 5 years older than non-smokers. Even smokers in their 20s and 30s may already develop fine wrinkles.

Why are cigarettes so toxic?

Tar: These are solid particles suspended in tobacco smoke. They are full of chemicals, including carcinogens. Tar is sticky and brown. It stains the teeth, fingernails and lung tissue

Carbon monoxide: This is a poisonous gas. It is odorless and colorless and, in large doses, it is fatal because it takes the place of oxygen in the blood. Smokers have carbon monoxide in their blood which makes it harder for oxygen to reach their organs and muscles

Oxidizing chemicals: These are highly reactive chemicals that damage the heart muscles and blood vessels of smokers. They react with cholesterol and cause the build-up of fatty material on artery walls. This eventually leads to heart disease, stroke and blood vessel disease

Metals: Tobacco smoke contains several cancer-causing metals such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead and nickel

Nicotine: This is highly addictive. This is the reason why people find it hard to quit. This is an extremely fast-acting drug that reaches the brain within 15 seconds of being inhaled. If there was no nicotine in tobacco products, there would be very few smokers. The tobacco industry is built on the back of nicotine. Exposure to sufficient amounts of nicotine causes vomiting, seizures, depression of the CNS (central nervous system), and growth retardation.

Why is it important to quit smoking?

There are many benefits to quitting smoking. You will see the effect almost immediately. It will improve your health status and enhance your quality of life. It lowers the risk of premature death and adds as much as 10 years to your life. Quitting smoking will prevent many health issues including cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cancer.

What happens after you smoke your last cigarette?

After 20 minutes: Blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature goes back to normal.

After 24 hours: The risk of heart attack begins to decrease.

After 2 days: Sense of smell and taste improves.

After 3 days: The body becomes nicotine free.

After 3 weeks: Addiction to nicotine begins to wane.

After 3 months: Blood circulation and lung function improve.

After 1 year: Significant reduction in risk for both heart diseases and cancers.

After 15 years: Health risks are similar to those of a non-smoker.

So, with all these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to quit smoking?

While quitting smoking may be hard, it is a journey worth taking as the end goal is better health and longer life. The biggest obstacle in your path are the withdrawal symptoms. For this, we recommend that you use Alcoban. Alcoban are homeopathic anti-addiction drops that help you quit smoking. It suppresses the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms and makes it much easier for you to quit successfully. It puts a stop to cravings and prevents relapse. Relapse is the biggest trouble that people who are trying to quit smoking face. Most Alcoban users have avoided relapse. It truly helps a person quit smoking once and for all.

 What makes Alcoban truly different is that it is tasteless, colorless and odorless. While not ideal, Alcoban can also be given without the smoker’s knowledge. After using Alcoban for a while, they will stop smoking on their own.

 For more information, please visit


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