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27 Reasons Why Smoking is Injurious To Health?

  1. There are over 4800 chemicals in a cigarette. 69 of these chemicals have the ability to trigger cancer. Only smoking cessation can make the situation better.

  2. Smoking lowers bone density making the bones more brittle and weaker. It can also impair bone healing after a fracture.

  3. Taking deeper and more frequent puffs of tobacco smoke increases the amount of nicotine the body absorbs.

  4. Tobacco kills one person every six seconds.

  5. Smoking lowers immunity and causes body inflammation.

  6. India has 12 crore tobacco users. This includes smokers and tobacco chewers.

  7. Cigarette smoking is fatal for both men and women.

  8. Every 1 out of 10 Indian uses tobacco.

  9. Among the 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 have evidence of being harmful. These include hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia.

  10. If one is exposed to secondhand smoke, it irritates the airways and has immediate harmful effects on their heart and blood vessels. It increases your vulnerability to heart disease by around 25 to 30%

  11. Smoking causes damage to your blood vessels and makes them thicken and grow narrower. This forces your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to go up.

  12. ⅓  of those who die due to tobacco are children who have been exposed to secondhand smoke.

  13. Smoking causes blockages that reduce blood flow to your legs and skin.

  14. Children who have been exposed to secondhand smoke are more at risk of having ear infections, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and more severe asthma.

  15. The Indian ‘Bidi’ has been identified as a direct cause of heart attacks and cancers of the throat, mouth, larynx, esophagus, and lung.

  16. It costs about 90 crores a year to treat tobacco related diseases in a nation.

  17. For smokers, when the nicotine levels in their body fades, their brain craves more dopamine. The longer a person has been smoking, the more dopamine they would need in order to feel good. This is what makes someone dependent on nicotine.

  18. It is a myth that hookah smoking is less harmful and addictive than cigarette smoking. According to research, hookah smoke is just as toxic as cigarette smoke.

  19. People who quit smoking, regardless of age, have far better life expectancy, than those who continue to smoke. 

  20. Expectant mothers who breathe secondhand smoke while pregnant are more vulnerable to having preterm labor and babies with low birth weight.

  21. Changes in the skin are the most visible signs of smoking. The chemicals in tobacco smoke actually change the skin’s structure.

  22. All forms of tobacco are addictive and harmful. There is no safe tobacco product.

  23. As one continues to smoke, it makes the infection in their lungs worse and gradually makes way for lung cancer.

  24. Physical withdrawal symptoms after quitting nicotine can worsen your cognitive functioning and make you feel irritated, anxious, and depressed.

  25. E-cigarrettes or Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS) do not contain tobacco and may or may not contain nicotine. But they are still bad for health and undoubtedly unsafe.

  26. Quitting smoking gives the body the time it needs to heal the damage incurred by smoking. Those benefits will be realized almost immediately after one quits.

  27. After just 5 years after quitting, one’s risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.

Homeopathic solutions like Alcoban has shown great effects when it comes to smoking cessation and reducing withdrawal symptoms. It works by developing a sense of revulsion towards smoking and making the smoker stop craving cigarettes. It reduces relapses and allows the user to quit successfully. 

You can buy Alcoban Antiaddiction drops by calling  +91 9111006691 or visiting this link:


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