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How To Help Someone Quit Drinking | Alcoban Homeopathic Drops

“First you take a drink, then

the drink takes a drink.

then the drink takes you.”

Alcohol in itself is not harmful if taken within controlled limits, but when that exceeds it can cause physical as well as psychological distress.

Uncontrolled drinking may lead to social, professional, and health consequences and can be diagnosed with AUD - Alcohol use disorder if you develop 2 or 3 of the following symptoms within a year. 

  • To feel "buzzed" or drunk

  • Develop withdrawal symptoms when the alcohol effect is over

  • Wanting to drink so much that you cease to think of anything else 

  • Giving up and other enjoyable activities and drink instead

  • Spending a lot of your time just drinking

  • Trying and failing to cut down. 

  • Drinking even after having physical and psychological problems or having memory blackout 

  • Develop depression symptoms 

  • Driving under the influence

Factors leading to Alcoholism

  • Binge drinking on a regular basis can lead to alcohol-related problems. 

  • Starling to drink at a very early age 

  • People who have parents or relatives who are alcoholic get influenced very easily. Genetic factors also play a role.

  • Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder lead to alcoholism. 

  • People with a history of emotional and other trauma fall under the risk of this disorder

  • Friends and partners who drink a lot influence others to drink. Glamor related to drinking in parties and other social gatherings also plays a role. Peers and role models too cast an influence.

Drinking too much leads to: 

  • Liver diseases

  • Digestive Problems 

  • Heart Issues

  • Risk of diabetes

  • Sexual Function and menstruation problems 

  • Eye problems

  • Birth defects 

  • Bone Damage

  • Neurological Complications

  • Weak Immune System 

  • Risk of Cancer

Helping Someone to Quit Drinking

Is your loved one drinking too much? Dealing with people affected with alcohol abuse affects the entire family, but there is still hope if your loved ones are helped in the right way. 

Their negligence towards their duties and responsibilities can lead the family to financial crisis, emotional crisis, can affect relationships and can trigger distressing emotions like shame, self-blame and fear.

  1. Talking Helps 

The first step is to talk to your loved ones about their drinking and offer them the help and support they need because not talking will only make it worse. So, don’t worry about anger, denial or defensive behavior. Convince them to be open and honest about their problem and suggest to them ways to address their problem - talking to a counselor, doctor or taking treatment.

  • Choose the right time to talk.

  • Express your concern in a genuine way

  • Encourage them to open up

  • Can arrange a family meeting 

  • Be patient and don't take any negative reactions personally. 

  • Offer advice, not ultimatums

Your loved one should be encouraged to seek help 

You can encourage them to get help by:

  • Offering to accompany them for counseling sessions, group meeting or doctor's  appointments for or 

  • Making plans as to what changes they'll try to make and in what way you can help them in making those changes. 

  • You also need to tackle the problem that led them to drinking.

Treatment Options 

The treatment depends on the degree of the drinking problem, stability of their living situation or any other health issues they have. And to assist these initiatives,  treatments, precautions and medications is Alcoban homeopathic medicine. It is one of the most effective products for quitting alcohol permanently. 

It is an anti-addiction preparation utilizing the benefits of homeopathy to include reluctance towards habit-forming mood-altering substances. It is a potent remedy to stop drinking and recover from substance abuse without facing extreme withdrawal


The results may vary from person to person.

For more information, please visit 


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