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5 Helpful Tips to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight


Quitting tobacco is not a short or easy process. But to persevere even after relapse is the longest and most important part of it. Every day you need to make a decision. A decision that will save your life - to not use tobacco today.

Each day that you don’t smoke or use tobacco is an achievement. Over time, you will win the battle against your addiction.

1.     Stay Busy

Staying busy is a great way to avoid the temptation to smoke. Being busy will keep your mind off smoking and keep you distracted from cravings. Here are a few activities you can try:


      Go out for a walk

      Chew gum

      Keep your hands busy playing with an object (like a pen or a ball)

      Keep drinking water

      Relax with deep breathing

      Go watch a movie

      Hang out with non-smoking friends and family

      Go have dinner at your favorite restaurant

2.     Think positive

Imagine yourself as someone who has quit successfully and reaped the health benefits of being free from smoke. Being able to picture yourself succeeding in a task helps in shaping your attitude towards achieving it. Think positive thoughts and be confident in your success while talking to others. You'll be surprised how useful a positive attitude can be. When you feel good, people will naturally gravitate towards you which will reinforce your positive thinking.

3.     Be Positive

It is difficult to quit smoking. It happens gradually and slowly. Do not think of it as quitting forever. Focus on today and eventually you will succeed. It lets you stay positive. Your quitting journey might not be perfect, and you might relapse but all that matters is that you don’t give up. If you go smoke free for 24 hours, reward yourself. You deserve this win. And if you don’t feel ready to quit today, set a quit date that works for you. It’s OK to take a few more days to take the final plunge to quit smoking.

4.     Be careful of replacing one addiction with another

Smoking suppresses your appetite, so weight gain is a common concern for people who decide to quit cigarettes. You may even use it as a reason to avoid quitting. While it’s true that many smokers gain weight after stopping smoking, it generally tends to be no more than 2 kilos and that initial gain is easily over time. It’s also important that you know that having a few extra kilos for a few months won’t affect your heart nearly as much as smoking does. However, many people won’t gain any weight at all.

Smoking dampens your sense of taste and smell, so after you quit smoking, you may get more hunger cravings. Another reason for weight gain is if you replace smoking addiction with an eating addiction. Therefore, it’s very important to find other, healthier ways to deal with stress, anxiety, or boredom rather than emotional eating.

5.     Stay well hydrated

Along with watching what you eat, you also need to take stock of what you drink when you quit smoking. It's very important, in general, but even more so when you quit smoking, to keep yourself well hydrated. This will help alleviate some side effects of quitting smoking, such as migraines.

Now, it’s important that you choose the right drink to stay hydrated. Obviously, the best option is water. There are some drinks that may not be right for you because they make you crave a smoke. This is why you should avoid both coffee and alcohol. The trick to quit smoking is to limit drinks that can have an exciting effect, since the lack of nicotine in your body can make you feel more stressed and nervous than usual.

Now, if you quit smoking, you’ll have withdrawal symptoms such as headache, stress, nausea and cravings to smoke. These symptoms might cause you to relapse. To avoid having these symptoms, we recommend that you use Alcoban.

Alcoban is a homeopathic anti-addiction medicine that can suppress your cravings to smoke as well as significantly reduce the intensity of your withdrawal symptoms. This means that you won’t feel nausea, headaches or other symptoms even after your quit day. It will also suppress your appetite so that you don’t gain weight.

You may still feel a little anxious but that too will go away over time. If you want to quit smoking, you need Alcoban. In fact, many rehab centres use Alcoban to get their patients to quit drinking and smoking.

It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless substance so it can be easily mixed with food and water. So, why think any longer? Quit smoking now with Alcoban!

To buy/know more about Alcoban, please visit


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