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Practical and Natural Methods to Quit Smoking


Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to quit. So many people have fallen prey to this addiction and want to quit. There are many that try natural remedies, but not all of them are effective or practical. However, some natural remedies do truly work.

So, here’s how you can quit smoking:

1.     Dealing with smoking withdrawal

Nicotine is the major addictive compound present in cigarettes that affects many of your organs, including the brain. When you decide to stop smoking, your body will still want to smoke. It's not easy to fight your body and moreover your mind will rebel against it!

Withdrawal symptoms vary in type and intensity from person to person. They can range from an unbearable craving for cigarettes to depression and irritability and sleep problems. The first 7-10 days are the worst. This is the time when your self resolve will decrease and smokers will usually "slip" from their resolve. Every smoker has to find a tool that works for themselves.

2.     Set a date to quit smoking

      Once you have made the decision to quit smoking, it is essential to set a start date. Once you have set a date, start working towards your goal.

      Announce your intention to stop smoking to family members, friends and co-workers. Their support and encouragement will strengthen your commitment and help you through your weak phases.

      Get rid of anything that might undermine your commitment. For example, throw away the ashtray in your house, office or in your car. If someone in your family smokes, request them not to smoke in your presence.

      If you plan on taking prescription drugs to help you quit smoking, start taking them before your commit date.

      Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, put hard candy, sugar-free gum or vegetable sticks in your mouth.

3.     Nicotine replacement therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) avoids the small doses of nicotine and other dangerous chemicals loaded into cigarettes. It helps smokers maintain tighter control in the early stages of quitting smoking. From over-the-counter (OTC) products to prescription-based remedies, NRT comes in many forms to suit individual preferences.

How to Resist the Urge to Smoke

Nicotine is a tough enemy and regardless of the drug of choice, there will be moments when your willpower is against withdrawal. It is normal to feel anxious, sad, or cranky as you struggle through quitting smoking. Try these pre-emptive ways to cope with reducing your cravings.

      Pamper yourself with healthy food and enough sleep. Stay well hydrated. These remedies can give you the energy you need to fight off excess stress.

      Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. It helps in keeping the blood sugar levels in balance and eases the urge to smoke.

      Consuming spicy or sugar-laden foods can slightly increase the urge to smoke. So stay away from them.

      Go for a long walk, hit the gym, or try dancing or aerobics. Exercise can reduce stress which can make you feel better.

      Take a shower or bath whenever you feel the urge to smoke.

      Take 10 long breaths. When you inhale on the last long breath, light a match. Exhale slowly and extinguish the match. Now put it in an ashtray thinking it's a cigarette.

 Other than these, when it comes to withdrawal symptoms, you can severely reduce their severity with Alcoban Anti Addiction Treatment. It makes the process of quitting smoking 10 times easier for you. It stops cravings and prevents you from relapsing.

 Relapsing is a constant worry for most people. 90% of Alcoban users have been able to quit successfully without any relapse. It truly helps a person quit completely, once and for all. Alcoban is tasteless, colorless and odorless.

So, now’s the right time. Quit smoking NOW with Alcoban!

To know more, please visit


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