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How Does Smoking Cause Heart Disease?


How does it feel when you light up a cigarette?

Do you feel a rush of conflicting emotions? You may feel calm and happy and at the same time you may also feel frustration and regret. Most smokers are well aware of the negative consequences of their habit.

Many are planning to quit, but the temptation of  nicotine can be hard to resist.  Each time you smoke a cigarette, your brain gets a rush of feel-good chemicals known as dopamine. Inevitably, however, these levels drop, and you feel the need to smoke more nicotine to get the rush.

This basic cycle defines most types of addiction. What makes smoking especially dangerous, however, is its prevalence and the resulting fatal health complications.

You already know that smoking greatly increases your risk of cancer. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of just how much smoking can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease — and that too at an early age.

In fact, of all the things that increase your risk of heart disease, smoking tobacco is the biggest risk factor that you can directly control.

Why is Cigarette Smoke Dangerous?

 Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals that include:

Nicotine: An addictive drug that disrupts brain and muscle activity. It increases your blood pressure which causes your heart to become overworked.

 Carbon monoxide: A poisonous gas that replaces oxygen in your blood. It reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to your heart as well as other organs.

 Tar: A sticky substance which coats your lungs like soot in a chimney. Tar makes it harder for you to breathe. It also contains many cancer causing chemicals.

 How Does Smoking Affect The Heart?

 The heart requires a huge supply of oxygen and nutrients from the coronary arteries and their branches. Over time, fatty deposits known as plaque or atheroma begin to build up inside one or more of the coronary arteries. This is a process known as atherosclerosis. This narrowing of the arteries reduces the blood flow to the heart and increases your vulnerability to heart attack. Smoking boosts up the clogging and narrowing of coronary arteries.

 A heart attack happens when a blood clot forms at a narrowed point in a coronary artery and suddenly blocks the blood flow to the heart. If the artery stays blocked, the lack of blood supply causes permanent damage to the area of heart muscle supplied by that artery. The severity of the heart attack is dependent on how much of the heart muscle is damaged permanently.

 Smoking also causes damage to other blood vessels. This ‘peripheral arterial disease’ reduces blood circulation, especially to your hands and feet, and leads to blood clots, gangrene and even amputation.

 According to recent research, smoking increases heart rate, tightens major arteries, and may lead to an irregular heart rhythm. All of these overwork your heart. Smoking also raises blood pressure, which increases your vulnerability to having a stroke.

 Why You Should Quit

 If you are a long time smoker, you may think that it is too late for you to quit now. This is not true. It is never too late to get the benefits of quitting. If you quit smoking, even for a few hours, it will cause your blood pressure and heart rate to drop. This improves your heart failure symptoms, like shortness of breath and fatigue.

 And more than this, after just 24 hours of not smoking, your risk of heart attack already starts to go down. After 2 weeks, your blood circulation will improve along with your energy levels and stamina. In people who are otherwise healthy, the risk of heart attack and stroke goes down by half within the first year of quitting. Within 3 years, it is nearly the same amount of risk as someone who has never smoked. And the longer you avoid smoking, the better the benefits, including the money you will save.

 How Can Alcoban Help You Quit?

 The biggest problem with quitting smoking is the withdrawal symptoms. Alcoban is a homeopathic treatment for anti addiction that significantly reduces the severity of these withdrawal symptoms. Alcoban reduces cravings and prevents relapse. It interacts with the nicotine that enters the body when you smoke and induces a feeling of nausea. This suppresses the normal feeling of calmness and happiness and makes you feel less inclined to smoke. Alcoban is colorless, odorless and tasteless which means that it can be easily mixed in meals and water without the addict’s knowledge. So, don’t let your heart suffer any longer. Quit smoking with Alcoban!

 For more information, please visit


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