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What to Eat When Quitting Alcohol?

Having a healthy diet is very important to the healing process of an alcoholic. Getting the right nutrition, as well as hydration, helps in restoring the physical and mental health of the addict. This, in turn, improves the chances of recovering.

Macro and micronutrient deficiencies cause you to have low levels of energy, depression & anxiety. These are triggers that can lead to a relapse. Your diet should include foods that improve digestion, promote normal blood sugar and improve brain chemistry.

 Having a healthy digestion increases the rate of absorption of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This helps in reducing alcohol cravings. Getting the right amount of lean protein also ensures that your brain produces excellent amounts of neurotransmitters that promote feelings of well-being.

If you want to quit alcohol drinking on your own, the following are a few nutrition tips you should keep in mind.

      Do not be hasty while making major diet changes. Making gradual changes is better for your body.

      Include foods that are low in fat and have enough levels of lean protein.

      Avoid skipping meals. Eat 3 meals a day with a snack in the evening.

      Water is the most important nutrient that your body needs. Keeping yourself hydrated helps to reduce alcohol craving.

      Vitamins and mineral supplements like vitamins A & B, zinc and B-Complex prove vital during and after the recovery phase.

Foods that aid in the detox process:

Fruits and Vegetables

They are rich in fiber, which makes fruits and veggies easy to digest. Additionally, if you’re withdrawing or detoxing from alcohol you may have cravings for sweets. Fruits contain sugar, which fulfill the sweet craving without weighing too heavily on the person’s stomach because you’ll also have low appetite during the detox stage. Some good options for fruit and veggies are raspberries, pears, oranges, strawberries, bananas and figs.

Whole Grains

Carbohydrates are very important for your recovery, as they provide fiber and energy, which you may be lacking while detoxing. You should know that refined grains such as white bread have carbohydrates for energy but they are a less healthy option in the long-run. Whole grains are rich in fiber, resulting in making you feel fuller and not causing the body any digestive issues.

Vitamin B Rich Foods

Drinking alcohol regularly for a long time leads to a deficiency of vitamin B, so it is important to give your body a new supply of vitamin B. Vitamin B rich foods include brown rice, milk, cheese, legumes, almonds and bananas.

Proteins Low in Fat

Many alcoholics who are detoxifying will have a low appetite or simply feel a bit nauseous around food, but foods high in fiber will help them feel full. Proteins with low-fat content are great because they improve both your mood and energy, leading to a lesser chance of a relapse. Good food sources are fish, lentils and chickpeas.

Cayenne Pepper

Though it may sound unappealing, adding cayenne pepper to your foods reduces cravings to drink and increases appetite. People who are trying to quit alcohol often have low appetite and they don’t get vital nutrients. Cayenne pepper also reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as nausea.

While trying to quit, you can also use Alcoban Homeopathic Drops to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Alcoban Drops is a homeopathic formula made with a combination of effective and potent homeopathic ingredients such as avena sativa, acidum sulphuricum, nux vomica and many more. These ingredients clean out all the toxins from your body and reduce your cravings to drink and the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. It is odorless, tasteless and colorless which means that it can be easily mixed with water or meals.

For further information, please visit


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