Addiction means the consumption of large amounts of mood-altering substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.) and having an uncontrollable craving to use them despite knowing its effects. This state is also called dependency. It affects the functioning of both the body and the brain. Like diabetes and heart diseases, addiction is also a disease that is caused by a combination of behavioral, biological and environmental factors.
Alcoban Drop is a colorless, odorless, tasteless Homeopathic Anti-addiction Solution that is made utilizing the benefits of specially homeopathic ingredients, which are further processed according to Homeopathic guidelines to induce reluctance towards habit-forming mood-altering substances. The substances used in Alcoban have properties that detoxify the body and remove toxic materials deposited in the system from long term use of any such substance.
The 3 main homeopathic ingredients of Alcoban are Avena Sativa, Nux Vomica and Sulphuricum Acidum.
Avena Sativa is a cooling nervine and uterine tonic. It is an anti-depressant, anti-spasmodic, demulcent, nutritive, and vulnerary herb. It is packed with vitamin E, protein, and minerals, and functions by feeding and soothing the nervous system, especially when you’re experiencing stress, nervous exhaustion, and depression. This ingredient treats the withdrawal effects of alcohol, heroin, cocaine, tobacco, or marijuana.
Nux Vomica deals with abdominal symptoms, nausea and vomiting caused by addiction. When the addict has sour taste and nausea in the morning, often resulting in vomiting, then Nux Vomica makes these symptoms null. Nux Vomica also gets rid of indigestion caused by alcohol and other drugs.
Sulphuricum Acidum reduces the craving for alcoholic drinks. Hot flushes, trembling, and cold sweats due to withdrawal are treated using Sulphuricum Acidum. It also negates other addiction symptoms like sour vomiting and hiccoughs, along with nausea and shivering.
The ingredients in Alcoban strengthens the addict's complete mindset and constitution. The user becomes not only physically less addicted to alcohol, but they also feel stronger emotionally and socially less obsessed with drinking. Alcoban is a Homeopathic Treatment For Addiction (Nasha Mukti Dawa) that reduces cravings to drink alcohol. It reduces dependence and treats the symptoms of all four phases of anti-addiction treatment as described in Homeopathy. You can now Treat Addiction Permanently With Alcoban.
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