According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO), over 12% of the world’s smokers live in India. The figure of deaths due to tobacco in India is more than 10 million. If you don’t want to be a part of this statistic then it’s time to wake up. The decision to quit smoking is an easy one to make but to actually follow through is difficult. But however difficult it may be, there can be no question that the ultimate results are worth it all.
The first step to quitting smoking is to determine a quit date. Make up your mind, be self-determined and respect your quit date no matter what. The moment the clock hits 12:00 a.m., throw away all your cigarettes and get ready to get started.
But the real question is this:
How should you prepare for a quit day?
Firstly make sure that you pick a day that’s not too far in the future (to avoid changing your mind), while still having enough time to prepare.
Two ways to Quit
Determine whether you are going to quit abruptly wherein you smoke until the last minute or quit gradually wherein you slowly reduce your smoking until the last date. Of the previous two, neither is better than the other so choose the method that’s best for you.
Tips to prepare for your quit date
Let your friends, family, and co-workers know about your quit date.
Throw all your cigarettes in the trash.
Hang out with non-smoking friends only.
Use oral substitutes, like hard candy, sugarless gum, carrot sticks, straws, and toothpicks.
Find a support system, like a friend or family member that has quit successfully
Warn people you know who smoke to not smoke around you.
Break the association between triggering activities (breakfast, drinking, etc.) and smoking to fight the urge to smoke.
What to do on your quit day
Don’t smoke at all.
Keep yourself busy.
Stay around non-smoking people.
Keep yourself hydrated with water and juice.
Stop drinking alcohol.
Stay away from smokers and smoking areas.
Avoid situations that trigger the urge to smoke.
Homeopathy for smoking
Homeopathy medicine provides a unique benefit for tobacco addiction as in they strengthen the person's complete mindset and constitution. The user becomes not only physically less addicted to tobacco, but they also feel stronger emotionally and socially less obsessed with smoking. Alcoban is a Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Drop (Nasha Mukti Dawa) that reduces cravings to smoke. It detoxifies the body and treats the symptoms of all four phases of anti-addiction treatment as described in Homeopathy. You can now Quit Smoking With Alcoban.
For further information, please visit
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