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Alcoban Anti Addiction Drop to Quit Smoking Immediately

Almost 50% of the people who use tobacco die, with a figure of more than 7 million lives each year. Of these 7 million, 6 million were direct tobacco users, while the remaining was constantly exposed to second-hand smoke. So, what else do you need to be convinced to quit smoking tobacco?
· Did you know that smoking kills more people than car accidents, alcohol, HIV, gunshots, and illegal drug usage, all combined?
· Non-smokers have significantly longer life spans than smokers.
· Male smokers die 12 years earlier than average and female smokers 11 years.
· Not only does smoking lead to cancer, it also damages almost every organ in the human body such as the lungs, heart, blood vessels, mouth, eyes, reproductive system, bones, skin, and eyes.

Cancer risk associated with tobacco smoking

There are more than 3000 chemicals actively present in tobacco smoke. Out of that, about 250 are definitively harmful, while 50 are carcinogenic. The most likely cancer caused by tobacco smoking is lung cancer, which is a leading cause of death in both men and women. It is also the hardest cancer to treat.
The worst part is that there is no limit or safe way of using tobacco. Whether it’s cigars, cigarettes, spits, pipes or whatever, in whatever amount, they will all do severe damage and increase the risk of cancer.
Effects of inhaling smoke
Smoke is so harmful that it harms whatever cell tissues it is exposed to. Also, second hand smoking pose the same risks as regular smoking.

Effects of smoking on lungs

Tobacco smoke causes almost instant damage. As soon as it enters the airways of the respiratory system and small air sacs in the lungs, damage starts from a cellular level. However, the problem becomes diagnosable only after years of accumulated damage. But, damage from smaller duration of smoking cannot be undermined either. Damage is damage, whatever its severity may be.Some of these respiratory conditions related to tobacco smoking are
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease),
Chronic bronchitis, and
The damage done by tobacco smoking cannot be reversed making it hard to completely cure these ailments. The best treatment method in these conditions is symptomatic treatment.
Before smokers’ lungs have been damaged enough to proceed to one of the above-mentioned ailments, they may suffer from what’s known as ‘Smoker’s cough’. Smoker’s cough is a warning sign for upcoming COPD, or even lung cancer.
Other harmful effects of Tobacco Smoking on Health
As discussed before, tobacco smoking causes several problems in almost all parts of the body. The following are a few more problems associated with tobacco smoking:
1. Smelly breath
2. Bad immune system
3. Increased risk of Diabetes type 2
4. Increased risk of macular degeneration, leading to blindness
5. Peptic ulcers
6. Bad dental health, gum problems and loss of teeth
7. Premature ageing
8. Lowered bone density leading to risk of fractures. Hip fractures can be especially difficult to manage.
9. Loss of senses like taste and smell
10. Slower rate of healing
Smoking not only causes health problems, it also degrades one’s quality of life leading to a struggling life before death takes it away. Quitting smoking as soon as possible can help. If you wish to lead a good life, it’s highly recommended to never start smoking in the first place. However, if you’re indeed a smoker, and don’t wish to make a weekly visit to the doctor’s office, quit smoking, NOW!
Quitting smoking comes with withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can be very hard to manage. Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Medicines have shown remarkable results when it comes to reducing withdrawal symptoms and promoting Anti-Addiction. Alcoban Homeopathic Drop is one such Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Formula which reduces cravings, manages the withdrawal symptoms and Get Rid Of Addiction once and for all.
For further information, visit


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