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How To Treat Addiction With Homeopathy | Alcoban Homeopathic Drop

As much as we may wish otherwise, addiction is not an easy thing get over and to recover from. It takes a huge toll on a person, both physically and psychologically. Whether its alcohol, drugs or tobacco, addiction is just the same. It creeps in unexpectedly; it takes its time to develop; and once it’s taken its hold on the person; it gets very strong and powerful. 

It occurs in three stages: 

1. First is casual use of the substance which leads to tolerance. 

2. Second is increased tolerance and dependence on the substance.

3. Third is inability to function without regular consumption. This stage is usually characterized by disturbance in the user’s daily routine, personal life, health, and work.

The good news is:

Homeopathy has shown great results when it comes to treating addiction. 

Detoxification from alcohol and drugs can be done through homeopathic medicines and personalized therapies are practiced according to the type and severity of addiction and the results required. 

Homeopathic addiction therapy focuses not just on the physical but psychological ailments as well.

The general process of anti-addiction through homeopathy involves medication from natural sources along with relaxing techniques such as massage therapy. 

Homeopathic Extracts Used for Anti-Addiction are:

Avena Sativa :
This is made using oat plants and is one of the most powerful drug detoxifier. This is recommended in homeopathy as a detoxifier for heroin, opium, marijuana, cocaine, morphine and many other kinds of drugs. 

The aftereffects or the withdrawal symptoms experienced during the process of detoxification are also reduced through Avena Sativa. It contains properties that calm the nervous system which has been rigorously affected due to chronic use of drugs.

Nux Vomica :

Homeopathy is a miraculous technique of using simple ingredients and substances, increase their usability and potential through extraction to rid many diseases and illnesses. 

Nux Vomica contains properties that increase the blood cell production, albumin and regulation of cells. Addicts or people dealing with depression are usually detoxified and facilitated through Nux Vomica.

Acidum Sulfuricum :

Acidum Sulfuricum is a chemical compound. It is extracted from Sulphur. Anyone who is addicted to alcohol for a long period of time can be detoxified using Acidum Sulfuricum, especially if they have been diagnosed with anxiety as well.

The scientific effectivity of homeopathy in battling drug and alcohol addiction has been well established in various studies. Alcoban is a Homeopathic Anti-addiction Treatment that contains all the above mentioned ingredients in addition to a few more. It has shown considerable results in the reduction of drug and alcohol addiction. 

Alcoban Homeopathic Drop is a very effective Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Formula that reduces cravings, manages the withdrawal symptoms and Helps Get Rid Of Addiction once and for all. 

For further information, visit


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