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What Happens After You Quit Drinking

To quit drinking is not an easy task. In fact, it may be one of the most difficult journeys you may ever undertake. But this doesn’t mean that you need to give up hope.

The most important thing is for you to take that first step to stop drinking. If you quit drinking suddenly and begin to feel the signs of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, there may be two main questions in your mind:

Is this normal?


How long does it last?

Everyone experiences withdrawal differently. There is no "normal" and there’s no way to predict exactly what symptoms you may experience. Although, here’s a timeline of what you can expect:

Timeline of Symptoms After You Quit Drinking

Generally, you may notice the withdrawal symptoms within hours to a day or two after your last drink. They are similar to withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction.

1.     2 to 12 hours after you quit drinking      

Your alcohol withdrawal symptoms will start. It may include:

-         hand tremors

-         retching

-         excessive sweating

-         restlessness

-         anxiety

2.     12 to 24 hours after you quit drinking              

More and more withdrawal symptoms will occur. Such as:

-         intense cravings

-         reduced energy

-         feeling low or depressed

-         difficulty in sleeping

3.     12-72 hours after you quit drinking        

This is when your withdrawal symptoms are at their worst. At this point you may notice symptoms like:

-         seizures

-         hallucinations

-         significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure

4.     48-72 hours after you quit drinking        

This is when your symptoms will begin to subside, allowing you to function more normally and keep your symptoms under control. Some may still experience symptoms like:

-         a feeling of disorientation and delusions

-         heavy sweating 

-         high blood pressure

Benefits of Quitting Drinking

1.     Healthier Brain

Alcohol slows down the communication between neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain. Alcohol consumption severely damages the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, brain tissue, and limbic system. This damage can result in a variety of issues, such as decreased brain cells, mood changes, depression, poor sleep, and alcohol dependence.

2.     More hydration

Alcohol is a diuretic. This means that it increases the rate at which you expel water from your body as urine. The desire to go or not go to the bathroom starts in your brain, as your pituitary gland releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This hormone tells your kidneys that it's time to retain water. If you drink even small amounts of alcohol, it can have a temporary diuretic effect. Alcohol causes a drop in the ADH levels, and as a result, the kidneys produce more urine and retain less water. When you quit drinking, you restore your ADH levels, and your kidneys expel the appropriate amount of water.

 3.     Better skin

Giving up alcohol will rehydrate your body which will improve your appearance. Though moderate drinking may not lead to any immediate life-threatening concerns, it can still take a noticeable toll on your appearance-even after just one night of drinking too much. Having less water in the body causes some immediate and visible effects, including dry and more wrinkled skin, red cheeks, eczema and blood-shot eyes. Within just a month of quitting alcohol, your skin should soon return to its normal healthy state

How to Quit Drinking

To quit drinking, you need to make a decision. The decision to stop drinking once and for all. Set a date on which you will quit and stick to it. Avoid the cravings and deal with the withdrawal symptoms. Remind yourself why you’re doing this. If the withdrawal symptoms get too much for you, we recommend you use Alcoban nasha mukti dava. Alcoban Drops are a homeopathic anti-addiction treatment that reduces the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. These drops will induce a sense of nausea every time you drink any alcoholic drink. This will prevent you from craving a drink. Alcoban makes the process of quitting alcohol much easier. When using Alcoban, make sure that you finish the full 45-day course.

For more information, please visit


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