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How To Quit Smoking Naturally | Alcoban


It is a matter without debate that smoking is a dangerous health problem. In fact, it is even displayed on the cigarette pack. Every smoker is aware of the fact that their habit could bring death closer to them. Tobacco is a carcinogenic substance that can lead to a wide variety of cancers such as lung cancer and oral cancer. Smoking also leads to a variety of breathing and respiratory issues.

But even though people know all this, they are reluctant to stop smoking. The main reason you may be attracted to smoking is tobacco smoke, which is addictive. Tobacco smoke also contains nicotine. Nicotine is really poisonous to human beings in its pure form. Another harmful ingredient is tar. This clogs your lungs over time.

The root cause of addiction is mental stress. People try to relieve stress through temporary, addictive methods rather than other more natural, holistic methods.

Here's how you can quit smoking by adopting natural remedies:

1.     Ajwain

Chew a few seeds of ajwain whenever you get the craving for tobacco. Initially it might seem difficult but doing it regularly will help with doing away with the habit of tobacco addiction.

2.     Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps in treating tobacco addiction. Whenever you have the craving to smoke or want to consume other forms of tobacco, take a piece of cinnamon and keep sucking it.

3.     Drink water from copper container

Copper gets rid of the toxic deposits. Drinking a lot of water kept in copper containers helps in removing the toxic deposits and lessening the craving for smoking and using tobacco over a period of time.

4.     Triphala

Triphala can clear off the toxic elements, which reduces the craving for toxic tobacco use even further. Take one tablespoon of triphala every night.

5.     Basil Leaves

Chewing basil leaves reduces the craving for tobacco use and it also cures the problems caused by its earlier usage. Start every morning and evening by taking about 2-3 basil leaves, chewing and eating them.

Other tips

      Drink plenty of water. Specifically, water kept in a container made of copper, which scrapes away ama (toxic deposits).

      Start and end your day by performing Neti kriya (with the help of a neti pot, allow room-temperature normal saline solution to enter one nostril and flow out the other; then, reverse.).

      Do bhastrika pranayama, morning and night, to get rid of contaminants in the upper airways.

Once you’ve started on your journey to quit, stay away from alcohol, sugar and coffee for the first week or longer. These substances stimulate the desire for a cigarette. Do not eat fatty foods, as your metabolism tends to slow down without the presence of nicotine. You may gain weight even if you eat the same amount as before you quit. So, it is really important to be disciplined about diet.

While quitting smoking may be hard, it is a journey worth taking as the end goal is better health and longer life. The biggest obstacle in your path are the withdrawal symptoms. For this, we recommend that you use Alcoban. Alcoban are homeopathic anti-addiction drops that help you quit smoking. It suppresses the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms and makes it much easier for you to quit successfully. It puts a stop to cravings and prevents relapse. Relapse is the biggest trouble that people who are trying to quit smoking face. Most Alcoban users have avoided relapse. It truly helps a person quit smoking once and for all.

 What makes Alcoban truly different is that it is tasteless, colorless and odorless. While not ideal, Alcoban can also be given without the smoker’s knowledge. After using Alcoban for a while, they will stop smoking on their own.

 For more information, please visit


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