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Health Effects of Alcohol on Women | Alcoban


Alcohol is the biggest enemy of the body because it damages multiple organs at once. It not only wrecks havoc on the liver, but also adversely affects the brain. According to a recent study, one sip of alcohol is enough to affect your brain in just 30 seconds. Alcohol affects those chemicals and processes, which carry messages from the brain to other parts of the body. Due to this, the brain slows down and its balance is disturbed. Drinking too much alcohol weakens the memory.

Health Effects of Alcohol on Women

1.     Heart Disease

People who consume alcohol every day are more likely to develop heart diseases. The connection between heart problems and alcohol is a direct one. Women who drink alcohol regularly are more likely to develop heart diseases than men. According to a recent article, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of many heart-related problems such as high blood pressure, heart failure, and stroke.

Apart from this, drinking alcohol regularly can also lead to weight gain. Being overweight can have a negative impact on heart health. Alcohol is a source of extra calories, which is one of the main causes of weight gain.

2.     Infertility

It has been said in many studies that drinking alcohol by pregnant women can harm them as well as their unborn baby. This can lead to premature delivery, miscarriage, fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (FASD) or stillbirth.

Not only this, 6,120 women aged 21-45 were observed in one study. Researchers found that women who drank at least 14 alcoholic beverages a week (that was about two drinks per day) had an 18% more at risk pregnancy than women who drank less or no alcohol at all.

3.     Liver Damage

It has also been revealed in many studies that the consumption of alcohol causes the most damage to the liver. The liver works to break down and remove harmful and toxic substances from the body. However, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol on a regular basis can disrupt all these vital liver processes and it can also increase the risk of liver inflammation and liver disease. Due to liver disease, toxins and harmful substances start accumulating in the body, which can also lead to death.

4.     Loss of control over speech

According to a recent study, women who drink excessively are at risk of developing dysarthria. It is a medical term for difficulty speaking words. This speech problem can be caused by a number of conditions, such as brain injury, brain tumor and stroke. However, drinking too much alcohol over time damages the brain, increasing the chances of having dysarthria permanently.

5.     Risk of osteoporosis

Women who consume alcohol or drugs are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Observing some people involved in one study, it was found that those who drank two drinks or more each day were 1.63 times more likely to develop osteoporosis. This is because drinking too much interferes with the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. Both of these elements are important for bone health.

If you are looking to quit drinking, then Alcoban is here to help you. Alcoban Homeopathic Drops will help you get rid of your addiction to alcohol and avoid relapse. These drops work by inducing a sense of nausea every time a person drinks. This discourages them from drinking. Alcoban also reduces the severity of the withdrawal symptoms which makes the process of anti addiction much easier. When using Alcoban, make sure you complete the full 45-day course.

For more information, please visit


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