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Is a Small Amount of Alcohol Good for You?


Alright. So you know the question. To avoid making it a click bait article, let me start by giving you the answer.


There is no amount of alcohol that is good for you. Little is better than a lot and none is better than anything. People often excuse their drinking by saying they are responsible drinkers and that a little alcohol never hurt anyone but as it turns out even a little alcohol can hurt a lot.

According to a recent study by The Global Burden of Diseases, no amount of alcohol is safe. This study analyzed levels of alcohol use and its health effects in 195 countries around the world.

Moderate drinking may have a positive effect by safeguarding against heart disease, the risk of developing cancer and other diseases offsets these potential benefits, as well as other ways of harm to the body.

Essentially, the safest level of drinking is none. If we look at an entire range of risks associated with alcohol, including diseases, driving accidents and self-harm, then drinking is possibly the biggest killer of all.

In fact, in younger people, the three leading causes of death because of alcohol use were tuberculosis, road injuries and self-harm. It is also a leading cause of cancer for people older than 50. And given that we’re going through a pandemic, you’ll only make yourself more at risk by destroying the immunity of your body by drinking.

What does alcohol do to your liver?

The liver detoxifies and gets rid of alcohol from the blood using a process called oxidation. Once the liver completes this process, alcohol gets converted into water and carbon dioxide. If there is too much alcohol in your system, it can destroy cells and, ultimately, your organs. Oxidative metabolism stops this from happening.

But when you drink too much alcohol than your liver can process in a timely manner, the toxic substance starts to destroy your body, starting with your liver. The oxidative metabolism of alcohol generates molecules that inhibit fat oxidation in the liver and, subsequently, can lead to a fatty liver.

90% of people who drink even a little everyday have fatty liver. So, if you drink even a little on most days of the week, you probably have fatty liver. But there is good news! Fatty liver is generally completely reversible in about four to six weeks if you stop drinking alcohol.

What happens when you quit drinking?

1. Saving Money

Do you have any idea how much money you spend a week on alcohol? Now, multiply that by 52. Is the number bigger than you thought?

When you drink, you lose all inhibitions. As a result, you end up drinking more than you planned. This can be a very expensive habit. Drinking regularly almost always leads to financial problems. This is why alcohol is often termed as a family disease. And the bad news is that financial problems often lead to more drinking.

But the amount of money you will save by quitting drinking is a lot. If you used to be a daily drinker, the savings can be quite large.

2. Feeling Better

We’ve already established that alcohol is not healthy for you. It’s like having a virus in your computer. It completely messes up the entire system of your body. But, when you quit drinking, your body begins to repair itself. Because of this, you start feeling better. When the body isn’t affected by the toxins in alcohol, you have more energy to pay attention to other things. And most of all, your brain and body start to function the way they’re supposed to.

3. More Self-Confidence

It is not easy to quit alcohol. So, after quitting successfully, you develop a new-found sense of self-confidence. You realize you can control your own life without depending on alcohol which is a powerful feeling.

So, now that you understand the reasons to quit drinking and how many benefits there are, it’s time to take the first step and quit drinking. People often worry about the withdrawal symptoms which can be quite severe. A good way to counter these withdrawal symptoms is through homeopathic treatments. Alcoban is an Homeopathic remedy to quit drinking that has produced great results as an anti-addiction treatment. It helps in detoxifying the blood by removing toxins. It rids the body of the cumulative negative effects of years of drinking.

The science behind how effective homeopathy can be in battling drug and alcohol addiction has been well-established through various studies. Alcoban (Nasha Mukti Dawa) contains many potent ingredients like Avena Sativa, Nux Vomica, Acidum Sulphuricum, and many others. These beneficial ingredients combine together to reduce dependence on alcohol.

For further information, please visit


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