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5 Ways Smoking Ruins Your Body | Alcoban


Smoking is one of the most harmful addictions in the world. To smoke is to voluntarily poison your body. It is one of the only things in the world that we ingest that has absolutely no good effects for the body. Even alcohol can be useful in very limited quantities. But tobacco is no friend to anyone. It shortens the smoker’s lifespan by around 30 years (possibly more). People who smoke are essentially just killing their own bodies, just very slowly. Not to mention, the effect of secondhand smoking. Being exposed to secondhand smoking has just as harmful effects on a person as if they were smoking themselves. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoking often develop diseases like asthma, cancer, etc.

There is absolutely nothing to gain by smoking. It is well known that smoking is very dangerous for the body. Tobacco contains many harmful properties that affect not just the lungs but the entire body. Smoking is a slow killer. The tar in the tobacco enters into the bloodstream and plays havoc on the arteries. Smoking affects not just the smoker but the people around them as well. Second-hand smoking is the biggest cause of preventable death after smoking. There are far too many harmful effects of smoking. The ones listed below are only a few.

5 Ways Smoking Ruins Your Body

1.     Premature Aging


Smoking causes premature aging that makes a person look much older than they are. The skin develops wrinkles and acquires a leathery texture.

2.     Stomach


Smoking increases the risk of stomach cancer and ulcers. It weakens the muscles that control the esophagus and which becomes the cause for acid reflux or acidity. It also increases the risk factor for developing kidney cancer. In research, smoking has shown a direct cause and effect relationship with cancer.

3.     Lungs


The lungs can be very severely damaged because of smoking. Coughs, colds, and asthma are only the tip of the iceberg. It can cause fatal diseases like pneumonia and lung cancer. If smoking is continued then it can have a great impact on the quality of life for the smoker.

4.     Yellow teeth


Teeth discoloration is one of the most common effects of smoking. Tobacco can cause tartar build up which leaves brown stains at the edge of the teeth. Smoking can also be the cause of cavities and toothache. It can also cause gum diseases like Gingivitis.

5.     Infertility and Impotence


Smoking can have harmful effects on the sexual functioning of both men and women. It can cause impotence in men by damaging the blood vessels that supply blood to the genitals. It has also been found that there is a direct correlation between smoking and lower sperm count. For women, smoking can cause infertility and also increase the risk of cervical cancer.

If you’re a smoker, it is not necessary that you see any of these symptoms now but over time your body will start showing more and more of these effects. If you want to avoid these, then it's time to take action and quit smoking.

To be able to quit smoking, you can take help from aids like Alcoban Homeopathic Drops. Alcoban has been made using potent homeopathic ingredients that interact with the tobacco in the body and induce feelings of nausea, headaches and anxiety every time a person smokes. This discourages them from picking up a cigarette again, eventually quitting completely. So, quit smoking now with Alcoban Drops.

For further information, please visit



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