To quit smoking is a very challenging task. Smokers generally need to change their lives completely if they want to quit successfully. Some good habits to develop in order to quit smoking are to see a counselor, find new ways to control stress, and remove negative influences that might tempt you to smoke. This could mean going no contact with some friends or at least staying more in touch with non-smoking friends. It can be easy to have periods of relapse and lose motivation to quit. Seeing regular reminders of the benefits of quitting smoking can help smokers to reach their goal of quitting. If you are having trouble with nicotine addiction, try writing down the reasons you want to quit (like the ones listed below) on your phone or computer background screen. 5 Biggest Reasons Why You Should Stop Smoking 1. It Makes You Feel Good After the first day of quitting, your blood pressure will go back to normal, healthy levels. The buildup of carbon mon...