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9 Surefire Tips to Quit Smoking Successfully

We all know that smoking is bad for us. It is the number one cause of preventable death in the world, along with being a direct cause of lung and heart disease and cancer. But to quit smoking is not easy. So how can you quit?

First of all remember that it’s never too late nor too early to quit. Even people who quit after the age of 60+ can have a longer, healthier life span.

Tips to quit smoking

1.     Know why you want to stop smoking

Keep yourself motivated and find a reason to quit. Whether you want to protect your family from secondhand smoke or to lower your chances of suffering from cancer, heart disease, or some other serious health condition. Find a strong enough reason that is more important than your urge to smoke.

2.     Decide a Quit Date

Once you've decided that you’re going to quit, set a quit date within the next month. Many people who have quit before get discouraged when they think about their previous attempts. Instead, treat those attempts as steps on the road to success. Learn from your mistakes and your successes, and apply these the next time you try to quit.

3.     Find Support

Tell your friends and family that you’re trying to quit and ask them to support you. This will help the process. There are also many quit smoking apps and counsellors that can help you.

4.     Be strong

You may feel the urge to smoke but it won’t last longer than 3 to 5 minutes, but those moments can feel intense. Pick up a hobby and make a plan for things you can do to occupy your time. You may start exercising to blow off steam, listen to your favorite music, connect with friends or indulge in your hobby. Try and avoid things that stress you at least during the first few weeks after you stop smoking.

5.     Clean your surroundings

Throw away all your cigarettes and remove any triggers or things around you associated with smoking such as your ashtrays and lighters. Wash your clothes thoroughly to remove the smell like smoke, and clean your entire house top to bottom. Hire a cleaning service if you must. Clean out your car as well. Try and avoid seeing or smelling anything that reminds you of smoking.

6.     Get active

According to research, being active eases the withdrawal symptoms of quitting. When you find yourself craving a cigarette, get active like a yoga class or join a gym instead. And you can also burn calories.

7.     Quitting can help you save money

Along with all the health benefits, one of the benefits of giving up smoking is the money you will save.

8.     Try and try again

It will take more than one attempt before you will be able to give up cigarettes for good. If you slip, don’t worry about it. Instead, learn from it. Why did you relapse? Now, make your commitment to quitting even stronger than before. Keep going. One slip is not a bad thing as long as you stay committed. Just don’t give up.

9.     Alcoban Homeopathic Treatment to Quit Smoking

Alcoban Drops can help in reducing withdrawal symptoms and increasing the chances of quitting smoking successfully. Quitting is more than just throwing your cigarettes out. Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. Nearly all smokers have to deal with nicotine withdrawal when they try to quit. Alcoban will help you deal with withdrawal symptoms that can occur, such as bad moods and cravings to smoke. It is the best Homeopathic treatment for smoking addiction (Nasha Mukti Dawa) that reduces cravings to smoke cigarettes.

For more information, please visit


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