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5 Easy Tips to Quit Smoking | Alcoban Anti-Addiction Treatment

It is said that the best time to quit smoking was the day you started and the second best time to quit is today. Smoking is an addiction that takes away your money and then kills you slowly. The only way to start living a healthy life is to quit smoking. Smoking causes grave harm to not only the smoker but the people around him as well. For the better health of you and your family, it is important to quit smoking immediately. When it comes to smoking, the choice is between temporary pleasure and permanent happiness. Don’t mistake the temporary pleasure of smoking a cigarette with the permanent happiness of a healthy body. If you want to stop smoking, you can make some small changes in your life that will help you resist the temptation to smoke.

Self- Care Tips to Quit Smoking  :

1. Think Positive
It is important to believe in yourself. Believe in your ability to quit smoking. If you previously tried to quit smoking but were unsuccessful, don’t let that stop you. Try again. Look at the mistakes you made previously and learn from them. Have complete trust in yourself.

2. Plan in Advance
Set a date for yourself on which you’re going to quit smoking. Now stick to this date. Don’t make compromises with yourself. It is very important to practice self-discipline when trying to quit an addiction. Don’t allow yourself to succumb to the temptation. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you can have just one cigarette and stop.

3. Change your Drinking Choices
According to research, carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee all make the taste of a cigarette better. It is best to avoid these drinks to resist temptation. Switch to healthier drinks like water and fruit juice. It has been found that simply changing your choice of drink can affect your craving for a cigarette.

4. Make Non-Smoking Friends
Surround yourself with positive influence. Seeing other people smoking can trigger a craving to smoke a cigarette yourself. It is best to avoid the temptation and hang out with friends who don’t smoke. Their positive influence will help you maintain your determination to quit smoking.

5. List Down the Reasons to Quit
Make a list of reasons for quitting. Why do you want to quit? Keep this list with yourself at all times. Keep reminding yourself why you made the decision to quit smoking. Read this list whenever you feel weak and need support. Also, keep a picture of your family with you. Whenever you feel tempted, look at that to get the strength to keep going.

6. Keep your Hands and Mouth Busy
You can buy and use nicotine patches, in addition to tablets, lozenges, gum and a nasal spray. And if you like the feeling of holding a cigarette in your hand, then switch to handheld cigarette replacement products like e-cigarettes.

Apart from these, you can also use Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Treatments that have shown great results in reducing cravings and making it easier to quit smoking. Alcoban is one such homeopathic Anti-Addiction Drop. It is made utilizing the benefits of selective homeopathic ingredients which contain properties that deal with the symptoms of addiction at the root level and help the addict get rid of their dependence on nicotine completely. It can be used to quit any type of addiction such as Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs, etc.

If you too want to Quit Smoking, then keep the above-mentioned self-care tips in mind. In addition to that, use Alcoban to reduce cravings and prevent withdrawal.

For further information, visit


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post. These tips will be of great help to those who find it difficult to Quit Smoking. From my own experience, I can say that seeking the help of a behavioral therapist will help a lot. And it is also important to get rid of anything that reminds you of smoking once you are out of the habit.


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