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27 Reasons Why Smoking is Injurious To Health?

There are over 4800 chemicals in a cigarette. 69 of these chemicals have the ability to trigger cancer. Only smoking cessation can make the situation better. Smoking lowers bone density making the bones more brittle and weaker. It can also impair bone healing after a fracture. Taking deeper and more frequent puffs of tobacco smoke increases the amount of nicotine the body absorbs. Tobacco kills one person every six seconds. Smoking lowers immunity and causes body inflammation. India has 12 crore tobacco users. This includes smokers and tobacco chewers. Cigarette smoking is fatal for both men and women. Every 1 out of 10 Indian uses tobacco. Among the 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 have evidence of being harmful. These include hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. If one is exposed to secondhand smoke, it irritates the airways and has immediate harmful effects on their heart and blood vessels. It increases your vulnerability to heart disease by around 25 to 30%...
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Long-Term Health Effects Of Underage Drinking | Alcoban Anti-addiction Drops

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Practical Tips And Habits To Stop Drinking | Alcoban Nasha Mukti Dava

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What Smoking Does to Your Body | Alcoban Anti Addiction Drops

It doesn’t matter how infrequently you smoke, tobacco is still dangerous for your health. Every ingredient in any tobacco product is dangerous, from acetone and tar to nicotine and carbon monoxide. It is like a slow-working poison. The substances you inhale while you smoke don’t just affect your lungs, they affect your whole body. Smoking can cause a myriad of ongoing complications in the body, as well as long-term effects on your body. While smoking increases your vulnerability to a variety of problems over a span of several years, some of the effects are immediate. Tobacco smoke is very harmful for your health. You cannot smoke safely. It does not make it better to replace your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah. The health risks for all of these remain the same. Cigarettes have around 600 ingredients, many of which are also found in cigars and hookahs. When these ingredients are burnt, they give out more than 7,000 chemicals. Many of these chemicals are poisonous and at...

Underage Drinking: What Parents Need to Know | Alcoban Nasha Mukti Dava

Underage drinking is now becoming more and more common. Many young people nowadays are dealing with the consequences of drinking too much, at far too early an age. As a result, teenage drinking is a leading public health problem in the country. As children grow up, they encounter many physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. Developmental changes, such as puberty and increasing independence, have been linked with alcohol use. So in a sense, just being a teenager is a big risk factor not only for starting to drink but also for dangerous drinking. Effect of drinking on teenagers Teenagers are more vulnerable to alcohol-related harm than adults. The brain keeps developing until the mid-twenties. Drinking alcohol as a teenager significantly increases the risk of damage to the developing brain and also leads to alcohol problems later in life. ●       Decreases ability to pay attention ●       Difficulties with memory ●  ...