Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to quit. So many people have fallen prey to this addiction and want to quit. There are many that try natural remedies, but not all of them are effective or practical. However, some natural remedies do truly work. So, here’s how you can quit smoking: 1. Dealing with smoking withdrawal Nicotine is the major addictive compound present in cigarettes that affects many of your organs, including the brain. When you decide to stop smoking, your body will still want to smoke. It's not easy to fight your body and moreover your mind will rebel against it! Withdrawal symptoms vary in type and intensity from person to person. They can range from an unbearable craving for cigarettes to depression and irritability and sleep problems. The first 7-10 days are the worst. This is the time when your self resolve will decrease and smokers will usually "slip" from their resolve. Every smoker has to find a tool that works for themselves....