Homeopathy is treatment system that is based on the theory that “like cures like.”After the symptoms of an ailment are identified, the patient is then given very highly diluted doses of the substances which in large doses, created those symptoms. Homeopath experts believe that the weaker the dosage, the more powerful will be its effects. Also vigorously shaking the solutions increases the power of its ingredients by making them interact with each other. Homeopathy is a popular treatment option for alcoholism and other conditions, especially in Europe. Sulphur is prescribed for the philosophical, reclusive type of individual who drinks alcohol or partakes marijuana to open up their stream of creative thoughts or as an escape from trauma. Sulphur is prescribed for those drinkers who have a particular predilection for red wine. Nux vomica is prescribed to alcoholics who fly into a angry, insulting rage while drunk. Office workers, for example, drink beer or whiskey to r...